Thursday, January 11, 2018

Winter Doldrums

While I do love January and the quiet after all of the holiday crazy, winter in northeast Wisconsin can seem monotonous.  For the first week it was so cold the most I could walk was a mile outside.  I'd come back in with my scarf all wet from breathing.  However we have had a little break and I've been able to get back outside at least for some after school walks.  For the moment I'm running on my treadmill for about 3-4 miles and doing yoga.  So what do we do over the winter.  Well there's always lighting a fire, reading a book and recently I picked up my knitting.  I haven't knit in a while due to elbow pain, but I just wear by tennis elbow brace and carry-on.  I'm currently working on a scarf with this beautiful variegated light yarn.  The bowl is a hand-made knitting bowl and for the most part it keeps me from getting my yarn tangled up.  

My husband and I almost always try something new in the kitchen.  Last year we grew mushrooms and this year we are making extracts.  There are many recipes on the internet so we decided to try.  The only change we made was to use everclear instead of vodka.  With this change you need to mix equal parts water and everclear with the vanilla bean, just please don't use straight everclear. We've made vanilla, almond, coconut and cinnamon extracts.  They are all waiting to be ready with the exception of the cinnamon that I've used in my coffee.   The cinnamon extract imparts a sweetness without any grittiness.  We just keep all of these in a dark area and shake every once in a while.  I hope they will be ready soon.

How do you choose to chase the doldrums away?
As always with love from the Midwest,

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