Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Serious Winter Clothes

As you know I live in Northeast Wisconsin.  Sometimes we have a lot of snow and sometimes we don't.  When there's snow the temperature is alright, about 20 degrees, but when there's no snow it can be just brutal, around 5 degrees as a high.  I guess that's why its called the Frozen Tundra.  This is the scene outside my front door this afternoon.  It is pretty, and yes we still have our Christmas decorations up because its been too cold to take them down.

The questions is what to wear on a day like this.  Honestly I get tired of seeing people in high-heeled boots and cute little coats in the city on social media sites. I basically live in a suburban environment with snow everywhere on a day like today. Someplaces are slick and others aren't.  So I decided to take a few pictures of what a normal winter look is for me. 

Corduroys are a great staple in my wardrobe.  Yes I know they are simple, but they work for a day like this.  I still love a pop of color so the pumpkin pants are just what I need.  What boots am I wearing today? LL Bean boots are great.  I usually bring a pair of regular shoes to change into at work as well, but sometimes not. 

The scarf -well it's cute and it doubles as a scarf for going outside.  Let's also be real I have an extra layer on under my sweater, long sleeve of course.  

I always like to wear some sort of jewelry.  Today I'm wearing my Pandora and these new hand-made filigree silver earrings I got for Christmas.  

As always with love from the Midwest,

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