Tuesday, January 2, 2018

What I've Been Cooking

So last week was our winter break.  I'm so lucky to have time off from school to bake and try new things.  I'm also extremely blessed to have a daughter who likes to find new recipes in various blogs and my cookbooks and a family who is willing to try anything.  So we spent the last week eating a few new breakfasts.  The first one was Ginger Bread Panckaes.  These a lot of spice flavor and are made with buttermilk which is always my favorite.  I just served them with maple syrup and they were delicious. My children thought a lot of whipped butter would be even better with them, and they are probably right. 

Next up was a  Cinnamon Sugar Dutch Baby Casserole.  This was great on Christmas morning with fruit and bacon.  The dish was light and fluffy and was also delicious with a touch of maple syrup.  I really love maple syrup.   The only problem according to my 14 year old son is that there is not enough of it.  

And last was a Cinnamon Roll French toast.  I love cinnamon rolls, but I'm a morning exerciser and I really am not going to get up exercise and then take 2 hours to cook a breakfast. I'd be starving.  This was super easy to put together the night before and the next day it just needed to have a cinnamon sugar drizzle put on top and then the cream cheese glaze after cooking.  Again served with fresh fruit and coffee it is a delicious breakfast.

So what have you been cooking for breakfast?  Perhaps this has given a bit of inspiration.  As always Bon Appétit and with love from the Midwest,


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