Friday, September 18, 2020

My Midwest Life September 18

 Hello there! It's been a while since I've done my random pictures of what's going on lately.  I've been busy with virtual school, and sometimes I just don't want to do anything more with a computer.   However I've still been able to have some fun, get outside and make some good meals.  My husband went to the farmers' market for me Saturday and came back with 40lbs of tomatoes, and some other things as you can see!  Needless to say we spent the weekend canning tomatoes.  

I've been having cereal lately for breakfast, just something different.  I love the Ezekiel Brand almond cereal. There is no extra sugar and it has some protein. Today I added extra peanut butter, apples and flax seed.  I served it with almond/coconut milk.  Yummy and easy!

The sunrise the other day on my run. 

Last weeks dinner of filet mignon topped  with a quail egg, wild rice, foraged mushrooms and roasted cauliflower.  I felt this was bringing the summer and the fall together.

Book club was on a rainy Saturday morning. We sat in a garage, with Bloody Marys, which her daughters help decorate; it was so cute. 

Another end of summer dinner: artic char with the last of the herbs to make pesto, buttered tomatoes and chanterelle risotto. 

My mother-in-law gave me flowers.

They inspired a painting of course. It's nice to be creative.

Looking to the golf course in Door County during cocktail hour. 

I hope you are staying well and are enjoying some of life's little things.
As always with love from the Midwest,

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