Thursday, October 31, 2019

What I ate Wednesday 29

Hello!  I know it's been a while.  I'm still having troubles with my computer and I've really  missed posting.  Which really brought me to think why I post so much about food and a few other things.  I look at blogs for inspiration so really my purpose it to inspire you to try something new, be it a food, recipe, book or whatever.  

So here are the eats for Wednesday

Breakfast: Peanut butter and jelly, baked apples and coffee.

I just love my baked apples. Honestly I'm on such a peanut butter kick right now I put it on all of my breads - it's a super easy filling breakfast.  I topped it with homemade peach jelly and hemp seeds. 

Lunch: Kale salad.

This is another make over the weekend.  I make a big batch and it keeps well for several days.  Today I topped it with smoked salmon, leftover corn (the very last bit from the farmers' market), roasted veggies and pepitas.

Dinner:  Broiled whitefish, steamed broccoli and mashed potatoes

We got the whitefish at the Green Bay farmers' market frozen so we could have it during the week.  I'm not sure why there is no whitefish catching aloud at this moment, but there isn't. I mashed the local Yukon Gold potatoes with milk, chicken broth, a little butter and salt and pepper.  The broccoli was also the last of  the fresh from the market. 

Dessert: French yogurt cake

I've shared this recipe before from Lunch in Paris by Elizabeth Bard. It's super easy and last for several days.  I like to top it with my homemade jelly that I melted into a quick sauce and whip cream.  

I hope this inspires you for some delicious eating.
Bon Appétit!
And as always with love from the Midwest,

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