Thursday, July 25, 2019

What I ate Wednesday 22

Hello again.  Well it's certainly more than 22 weeks into the year, but sometimes life gets in the way of taking pictures.  Actually I've spent most of July traveling, and it has been wonderful. I tend not to take too many pictures when we are away as a family or when I'm dining out.  (Although if you've read enough posts you know I break that rule too.)  We've had beautiful sunny hot weather lately and since I eat seasonally, for the most part, what I eat changes too.  All of the produce is locally grown except for the peaches and the blueberries are from lower Michigan (so within a 200 mile radius from Appleton). 

Breakfast: Buckwheat protein pancake, fruit, green juice and of course coffee.  
I love maple syrup and I was really craving it yesterday.  I whipped up a batch of this giant pancake, added some natural peanut butter and maple syrup and topped it with local berries.  We're on to raspberry season and blueberries and of course peaches.  The peaches aren't really local, but they are seasonal from Tree Ripe Citrus and so delicious. 

Lunch: Quinoa, tomato, cucumber and feta salad and cherry gazpacho.  
This cold salad and cold cherry soup are great on a hot day.  The cherries are from my favorite farm stand in Door County, Schartner's.  

Dinner: Roasted salmon with current sauce, salad from our garden and cherry tomatoes.  
This was my first time using fresh black currants which I picked up from our Saturday market.  The sauce/vinaigrette is a simple combination of chopped red onions, 1/4 cup red wine vinegar, a pinch of salt and sugar, 2 T olive oil and 1 cup of fresh black currants or thawed frozen currants.  

Dessert (not pictured): A slice of cherry pie from Schartner's market.  Karen Schartner makes great pies so I always pick up a small one when I can.  

Bon Appétit!
And as always with love from the Midwest,

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