Wednesday, July 24, 2019

There's Still Time

I love flowers.  I can't get enough of them. 
Hello readers.  You may be asking there's still time for what?  The answer is to enjoy the summer and get outside.  Recently my husband and I were talking about how we as a nation need to get outside and put away our technology.  
There have been many articles stating the benefits of fresh air and green space.  However for me I came up with a short list of why I like to get outside.  Here they are:
  • I feel better when I spend sometime outside.  This could be only 15 minutes, but it really does help.  I won't lie though the more time out the better for me.  It does wonders for my body, mind and spirit.
  • If I'm outside without my phone I have time to think.
  • I love to hear the sounds of nature.  Recently I had the opportunity to listen to the night sounds of nature and morning sounds.  It is so different, the insects, birds and then no sound at all.
A view from my morning run in Door County this last Monday. 
There are plenty of ways to sneak in a little or a lot of time outdoors.  It doesn't have to be all at once if that isn't always your thing.  A couple of ideas include:
  • cook - light the grill and maybe do a whole meal outdoors if you can
  • read a book 
  • knit
  • stargaze 
  • paint or sketch 
  • have a picnic or eat a meal outside
  • play with a child or a pet
  • exercise - walk or run with a friend or do yoga or lift some weights in the grass
  • hang laundry outside
  • go for a hike 
  • simply sit and do nothing and enjoy
Picnic in the park.  Pasta salad, water and kombucha

I hope this list encourages you to enjoy the summer weather and spend a bit more time outside.

As always with love from the Midwest,

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