Monday, June 11, 2018

First few weeks of Summer

Well as usual I had the intention to write a blog post earlier, but that didn't happen.  We finished up the school year and now I'm finally getting around to it.  So what does the start of the summer mean?  Well usually a trip up to Door County marks the Memorial Day weekend.  And as usual that's what we did.  These pictures are taken from Peninsula Player's Theater. It is on the bay near Fish Creek.  

I love the wildflowers in Door County, especially the Trillium.  We were lucky enough to see them everywhere. 

Also the first week of summer meant a fire in the firepit.  Of course we had s'mores and wine to finish up our day.  There is something so sweet about spending time with family around the fire.

Also the food we eat changes.  If you have read other posts you know that I love local ingredients, which means seasonal eating.  Below is a dish of homemade pasta (my husband it becoming quite and expert), local asparagus, local morels, pancetta and Parmesan cheese. 

Hope your start of summer was as good as ours.
As always with love from the Midwest,

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