Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Quinoa Lunch

This is one of my favorite lunches. Its great the first day and it keeps well over the week.  I usually make a large batch of this for a weekend lunch and portion out my lunch for week.  This quinoa sauté is also a great way to use up left over veggies.  Sometimes I have a collection of all greens, other times this is a beautiful dish.  On this particular day I had leftover zucchini, asparagus, red peppers, shredded carrots and peas.  The cheese of the day is was feta.

The basic recipe is 
1 cup chicken broth boiling and add 1/2 cup of quinoa.  Bring to a boil and simmer covered for about 15 minutes or until the broth is mostly gone.

Now the fun part:
In olive oil sauté greens (spinach or kale) with garlic and crushed red peppers.
Add as many precooked or uncooked vegetables as you want.  Sun-dried tomatoes are always nice too. You can add as little of something or as much as you want. Search your refrigerator and play around.
Add white wine to deglaze the pan and boil down to almost gone.

Add the quinoa to the vegetables and mix.  Season with salt, pepper and Aleppo pepper, or I added Sumac the other day.  Top with as much cheese as you'd like.  I like Parmesan or Feta. 

Bon Appétit 
And as always, with love from the Midwest,

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