Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Merci France

This is a short little post as a thank you to the country that helped Julia Child along the way and produces some great wines.  We all know how much I enjoy my wine, and I also really enjoy eggs at all times of day.  However I do only eat eggs for one meal per day.  One of my favorites is Quiche Lorraine.  I made this recently and it can be served for all three meals.  The picture is obviously from dinner.  Served with a side salad and a slice of my homemade French bread.  This recipe of Julia's comes from Mastering the Art of French Cooking.   I did make her short paste crust which puts  this at a whole different level, yet it is wonderful with a store bought crust if that is all you have time for.

For one Quiche Lorraine

6 slices of bacon sautéd and patted dry.

Press the bacon into the pastry shell; this helps it not float during cooking.

3 eggs beaten
1 1/2 cups whipping  cream or 1/2 and 1/2 - or if you need to add a combination there of it is fine.
salt and pepper
pinch of nutmeg

Add all of these to the partially cooked pie shell and dot with 1 T butter.
Bake for about 25-30 minutes at 375.

What to drink?  Well during the summer this would pair quite nicely with a French Rosé form the Languedoc-Roussillon area or Provence.  The Barton and Gustier Rosé is relatively inexpensive and has a nice body to it. It would also be delightful with a French Chablis.

Also on the wine note I did read this short article about buying Rosé wines, and it is absolutely true.

Bon Appétit and as always,
With love from the Midwest,

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