Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Are we done yet?

Well this weekend had the worst snow in April history for Northeast Wisconsin.  We broke records left and right.  The snow started late Friday night and finally stopped Monday morning.  Most of the time the wind was hollowing too.  I had never seen anything like it. I felt like I was living the Long Winter by Laura Ingalls Wilder.
The small mound by the door is my small Big Green Egg and the larger mound is the XL one. 

Selfie I took by one of the medium sized mounds after a parking lot had been plowed out. 

 Luckily I decided to go to the grocery store on Thursday after work; so we had plenty of food. So of course I decided to try out a new recipe, roasted red pepper and feta muffins.  So I didn't have all of the ingredients, but I added some sun-dried tomatoes to my muffin and the cheese was a mix of feta and chèvre. Actually it was a great way to use up leftovers.  I decided to pair it with tomato soup.  I had leftover tomato sauce I had made for meatballs last week so I knew I could use that to start and some kale pesto that would be great in it too.  To my pan I added another 14 oz can of tomatoes, 14 oz can of chick peas and salt and pepper.  When it came to a boil I just used my immersion blender to make a great soup.  I have 2 more days worth for school and enough muffins too.

Kale pesto

Hope your weekend wasn't quite so snowy.
As always with love from the Midwest,

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