Monday, November 27, 2017

Behind the scenes Thanksgiving

During one of my favorite holidays my middle daughter was just taking pictures of our food throughout the day.  Since it was Thanksgiving she took a lot of pictures of random food.  However this gave me inspiration for today's blog post.  I thought it would be fun to see what went on behind the scenes, the mess and what else we ate during the day.  There are no pictures of breakfast since I did my annual turkey trot with my oldest daughter and everyone else was left to fend for themselves. 

Lunch included shrimp cocktail, salad with house-made vinaigrette and hearts of palm.  Estancia chardonnay was the beverage of choice. It is a holiday after all. 

Of course we had our turkey. I like to grill mine on my Big Green Egg.  In addition to the turkey we had sweet potato apple purée, garlic mashed potatoes, angle biscuits, cranberry sauce and broccoli.  The biscuits were new this year and I must say delicious. To drink Joel Gott Zinfandel, I love zinfandel with just about everything. 

To finish of course we saved room for some dessert, Pecan Pie and Apple Pie.  We're really not big pumpkin pie fans.  

I hope you really enjoyed your Thanksgiving as much as we did.
As always with love from the Midwest,

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