Monday, June 19, 2017

3 Petites choses en juin

Well since summer vacation started I find myself spending time trying to do those things I haven't been able to do during the school year.  One of those is walking with some of my girlfriends.  While I always walk in the morning not many people like to get up at 5:20 to exercise in the dark.  However with the early sunrise I can usually find some willing friend at 6 am.  

Of course I've also been trying new recipes.  Sometimes my children are the inspiration and help behind the recipe sometimes not.  So recipes are good some are just okay.  This recipe for Southern Living's Humming Bird Cake was fantastic. My daughter wanted to make a 3 tired cake and it did not dissapoint.  Next time I might reduce the recipe to a single tired cake so the 3 of us who ate it are not eating cake for way too many days.

The second new little thing I did this summer is community yoga in the park.  I'm ashamed to say that for all of the years, 13 total, that  I've been practicing yoga I've never been to an outdoor community class.  It was great.  There were well over 100 people there, and it was so nice just to listen to the sounds of nature as I did my yoga.  This is something I will do again.

The last little thing is our new bird's nest.  Now usually we have a robin's or dove's nest in our trees, and I never tire of seeing the new little eggs.  However this year the dove decided to nest in one of my hanging baskets. It does make watering the baskets a little tricky since she rarely leaves.  

I hope you've been able to find little ways to enjoy your time.
As always with love from the Midwest,

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