Thursday, February 2, 2017

Best of January

Wow January was went by so quickly. Actually I feel as if all of the months do.  One of the things I really enjoy about January is the quiet time I have to relax and renew for spring and summer.  In various philosophies they have the calm and quiet vs the crazy.  Winter is that quiet time.  So what have I done, well there has been  the trip to Milwaukee which I wrote about a few weeks ago. Also I've been trying new recipes, reading books and enjoying a few movies when I treadmill.  Speaking of exercise make sure you are getting outside if you can and if not getting exercise at home or in a class. I'm luck enough to have a treadmill and space for my yoga.  I do like to go to a yoga class on the weekends.  I love the sense of community. 

A new recipe for the month: Crispy Chicken and Pan Sauce.  . Please do make the sauce.  I served it with my house Chardonnay. 

What I'm reading: I'm currently reading The French Chef in America.  This is the story of Julia Child after she finished Mastering the Art of French Cooking Vol 1. I think  this book is fascinating. I am a lover of all things Julia related.

What I'm watching:  If you enjoy French film I highly recommend The African Doctor. I chose Under the Tuscan Sun because we all need some fluff, be it in books or film. 

Image result                              Under the Tuscan Sun Poster

As always enjoy the pleasures of each month. 
with love from the Midwest,

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