Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Best of February

February can be dull dreary month in Wisconsin. As I write the snow we got last weekend is mostly melted allowing the dark greens and browns of the winter grass to come through. Like all winter months I really enjoy reading, cooking and knitting.  This year I haven't been able to cross-country ski, but oh well.  So as I said, I've been participating in my indoor activities.  I am so thankful in February to have a few celebrations to add to this month.  The first of which is our wedding anniversary.  This year marks 22 years together. My husband and I enjoyed a dinner out, without our children. The second is my birthday.  I get the same cake every year from a local bakery.  It's called chocolate symphony. There are layers of chocolate cake, chocolate whipped frosting all hidden under a chocolate ganache.

As always a month is not complete without a going out for coffee at  a local café.  This time it was All-Seasons Café, and I tried a rose cardamon latte.  It was delicious.  There was a slight sweetness to it but not overpowering.  

Of course the best of the month is not complete without what I'm reading.  In a In a Dark Wood Wandering  by Hella Hesse  I'm taken back to the Middle Ages.  I studied Medieval art in college and fell in love with this time period. Its a perfect book for the dead of winter leading into spring.  It is a little longer so it might be read in March as well.

What I've been watching: Cooked on Netflix. It is based on the book by Micheal Pollan, but a lot less wordier.  I really enjoyed this series, and it confirmed my beliefs that my home cooking with the freshest ingredients I can get is the way to go.  I encourage you to either watch the series or read the book.  

I hope your month as been as equally delightful.
As always with love from the Midwest,

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