Tuesday, November 8, 2016

What's in my Fridge

Well here is my refrigerator.  I love that its the type that opens up so I can put trays on the bottom if need be.   Actually right now it is quite full so the bread is sitting to the right.  Honestly though this really is not a problem.

However you may say that the inside is a mess, but it really isn't.  On the top I have leftover Alfredo sauce that will be used for lunches and diners. I also have ground beef for tonight's dinner. The second level contains the last of the Honey Crisp apples, our family favorite, a large bowl of whipped cream for dessert. I made a pumpkin cake the other day, yogurt for my husband's breakfast and a few other products.  The bottom shelf has the wine.  As I've said we really like the Bota Box chardonnay for our house white.  I also have a foil wrapped loaf of zucchini bread, eggs, beer and bowl of the last of my pear-apple sauce.   The veggie and fruit bins are dropping down from the weight of the last of the carrots, peppers and cabbage.

The side doors open and are full of condiments.  I like to have on hand cream and whole milk.  The whole milk is really great in my coffee and my week-end cappuccinos. I know there is another bottle of wine too.  

This side has our milk from the local dairy and our OJ.  Yes I use the frozen from concentrate since it takes up less space in the freezer and I don't need to have several containers in an already full fridge.  In the middle shelf on the left you'll see my container of yeast. It keeps very well in the fridge.  I also have my bag of flax seed.  I like the flavor it gives off in almost all baked goods, from quick breads to  waffles and on cereals as well. I hope this post makes you realize how much real food you can put in your fridge. I do think with the approaching holiday I do need to do a bit of cleaning...or eating. 

As always with love from the Midwest,

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