Monday, July 25, 2016

Low Cook Summer Dinner

 This week it was very hot, so I was inspired to make a Chicken Caesar Salad and try a new no bake dessert.  We even enjoyed the dinner on our back porch. Under our shady trees it really was quite lovely outside.  Of course I lit the citronella candles in advance to keep any unwanted mosquitoes away.  The dressing for my salad was my mock Cesar salad dressing.  (See my post Mock the Cesar.) I used romaine lettuce for the salad; it really holds up well to the dressing, bacon, croutons and chicken.

After I whipped up the dressing I made the croutons from ends of bread I had in the freezer.  I cut them into 1" cubes and generously drizzled with olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper.  I baked them in a 375 degree oven for about 20 minutes.  At the same time I baked some bacon to go along with the salad.  My family really loves their protein.  

As for the chicken I grilled it with olive oil and salt and pepper on my Big Green Egg. It took about 4 minutes per side.  When everything was done at the last moment I assembled the salad.  

My daughter enjoyed the leftovers the next day.  I always keep extra dressing in its container so all you have to do is just pour over the lettuce.  The croutons also kept well for a day.

The salad ready to eat.

For dessert I found this recipe on all recipes of cheesecake in a jar. I'm really not a fan of a baked cheese cake, but this tasted more like a light Italian dessert with marscapone cheese. It called for strawberries, but they are no longer in season in the upper midwest so I used raspberries.  It was delicious and took about 20 minutes to prepare.  I just used graham cracker crumbs to make the crust. I would definitely try this with other fruits, perhaps blueberries or peaches since I have a lot of those around.  

Hope this inspires you to make some cool summer treats in the upcoming week.  Bon appétit.
With Love from the Midwest,

Monday, July 18, 2016

July's Treasures

This month's treasures are specific for me, but not necessarily in other parts of the country. As the summer continues I love to spend time out side and traveling on the weekends when I can. I really enjoy the flowers all around, a trip to the coffee shop and if possible a weekend in Door County.  However I also find I spend a fair amount of time canning fruits for the winter.  Last summer I can about 8 pints of peaches and during the drab months of March to May my son and I found we really enjoyed the canned peaches. He liked them for snack and on ice cream for dessert (who wouldn't), and I also liked them on my oatmeal or with my toast for breakfast.  They disappeared quickly to say the least.  Well this year I bought 1 bushel of peaches! Tree Ripe Citrus has great peaches.  I buy my peaches out of the back of a semi and it comes 3 times/season.  Check them out for grapefruits as well. Oh my so far I've canned several, made jelly and made one pie filling, and there is more to be made.  I know I'll also love this later on.
Some garden greenery.  Citronella geraniums help keep the mosquitoes away.

My husband's favorite lillies.

The Door Co. shore line.

A bonfire is always a good idea, with s'mores of course.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Long Boat Key

Well this is our first week back from vacation in Long Boat Key, Florida.  Many people ask why go to Florida in the summer.  Well besides being hot in there are fewer people than over spring break and the weather for the most part is dependable.  I know it will be hot and sunny, perfect for my favorite place in the world, the beach.  This year we spent most of our time on the beach on the Gulf of Mexico.  We also did some shopping, boating and sitting by the pool.  For the most part this is a vacation where we relax.  We know where we are going, where to shop for groceries and where we like to eat for dinner.  Yes, we could break from what we usually do, but this way is very relaxing.
Local fish, mangrove snapper, my husband caught for dinner one night. 

Local Plants - Bird of Paradise one of my favorite

You can put your orchid in the trees and they'll live.
I don't think this would work in the Midwest.

Enjoying some time in the kayak.

A little afternoon treat from Le Macaron.  This store in on St. Armand's circle.

I always like  to try a new wine while I'm on vacation.
 I love rosé as and aperitif in the summer. 

Cupcakes we picked up for dessert one night.
Even cooking in we found many treats we could bring home.

Of course I need a picture of the breach.  
With love from the midwest,

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

A Quick Pickle

Recently I just made a batch of pickled radishes.  I found this recipe on  Look under Marisa's old blog of In a Pickle in the recipe index for this very easy recipe.  I was looking for a way to use forgotten radishes in my garden.  They were really big.  This year I remembered my radishes in my garden and decided to make the same recipe.  You may ask what is one to do with these once I've made them?  I found they were very good in egg, tuna and chicken salad.  I also just enjoy them to munch on or in a regular green salad.  I know there are many other recipes for pickled veggies and it makes me want to try them.  As a side note I did ask Marisa if this recipe would can well.   She replied no because it would change the texture of the radishes to be less crispy. The radishes kept well for at least 6 weeks.  
French Breakfast and Globe Radishes.  I like to grow a combination.

Ready to go into the refrigerator. 

What have you pickled lately?
With Love from the Midwest,