Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Picnic in the Park

Today my daughter and I went on a picnic in one of our local parks.  If you haven't been on a picnic in a while I so encourage you to go.  We make up excuses that maybe we have to have a cute picnic basket, or the right food or a lot of time but all of that is wrong.  My daughter and I did have a little more time than a school lunch usually gives us, but the food was anything but fancy.  What was for lunch? Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, grapes, grocery store carrot cupcakes and bottles of water.  As I said super casual.  We found a clearing spread out our blanket and enjoyed the sunshine and each other's company.  After our lunch we hiked around on the trails.  Some were still quite wet from all of the rain we've had recently, but it was so enjoyable.  We also were blessed to see turkey and deer.     So please just take a moment to eat outside, whether it is on your patio or at a park and enjoy what nature has for you.  

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