Sunday, November 29, 2015

Kitchen schnanagins

So this weekend I cooked.  This really isn't a big surprise to my family and friends.  I love cooking.  I've included several pictures of some of the things I tried this weekend.  Some  are new and some are family favorites.  Thanksgiving lunch or dinner, it really doesn't matter when it it is served, rarely changes.  My family really likes it this way.  Waffles are a standard weekend breakfast, probably my favorite.  I've already shared the French bread recipe and the chocolate pretzels are just pretzels dipped in white chocolate bark.  I usually make them twice in the Christmas season.  The  Crackle Cookie and the French Christmas Cookies were new and will be made again.    I really like to serve several types of cookies on a platter for dessert this time of year.

Thanksgiving lunch.  This included turkey, stuffing, potatoes, Door County salad, pumpkin muffins, cranberry sauce and sweet potato and apple purée. 
Waffles the day after thanksgiving.  We of course at most before I remembered to snap a picture.
French Christmas cookies.  
French bread ready to go into the oven and white chocolate dipped pretzels. 

Peppermint crackle cookies. 

I thought I'd share our favorite waffle recipe with you this week.

Bon Appétit!

Waffles - adapted from Beth Hensperger's The Bread Bible
3 eggs beaten
1 T vanilla
1 T baking powder
1 1/2 cups milk
6 T butter -melted
2 cups AP flour

Mix all ingredients together and make according to your waffle maker. In mine it makes about 8 waffles.  I like to add some ground flax seed on top of my waffle before baking.  

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