Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Wednesday Morning in Quarantine

Hello! As I was enjoying my Wednesday morning the creative photography bug came to me to take random pictures.  I thought I'd share some scenes of what this morning looked like.  I got up at my usual time and practiced yoga.  By the time I came upstairs from my yoga area the temperature had climbed 10 degrees and promised to be a beautiful day.  

I had a breakfast of fresh fruit, soft boiled egg, and 2 slices of walnut cinnamon swirl bread from Great Harvest bread that I had in the freezer. 

Moved my computer into our makeshift second office since my girls were taking finals in the main office. 

Got outside in the early morning - some scenes from my yard.

I'm trying to be patient for the humming birds to come back. 

I love bleeding hearts.

Enjoyed a second cup of coffee in my sun room.  I have a lot of plants in there too. 

Made my son s'mores pancakes for breakfast.  I've been making these for years.  I use 2 leftover pancakes, warmed up.  I spread Nutella between the 2 and top with fluff.  Then I put it under the broiler for a few minutes until it's like a roasted marshmallow. He loves this.  It also works with a leftover waffle. 

The dog, Magic. She always finds a sunny spot.  

I hope your Wednesday morning was just as lovely.

Stay well!
And as always with love from the Midwest,

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