Monday, December 2, 2019

November Round Up 2019

Hello!  Finally my computer is up and running and I'm able to log on to my account.  This gets to be such a busy time of year with all of the holidays, yet I really want to be able to keep up with my creative pursuits, blogging being one of them. I do feel that during the winter months there is a bit more time to sit and be or create.

Speaking of just being and a winter mind shift. This article about learning to enjoy winter with a simple mind-shift made me really think. To be honest I think a mind shift is essential for many things we encounter in our lives. 

I took this picture yesterday, December 1st.  I have a feeling we have a long winter coming. 

I found this recipe for left over cranberry sauce - a coffee cake. Yum.  I definitely want to try it. 

Speaking of food..I'm really enjoying these teff flour pumpkin pancakes from Run Fast Eat Slow. They're delicious with maple syrup and baked apples.  I want to try these cookies too using teff flour. 

What I've been reading: I just finished Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead.  I can't really say I am a fan nor where many members of my book club.  I'm currently reading Crossing to Safety by Wallace Stegner, and I really enjoy it.  It is about 2 couples and how their lives intertwine.  Part of the book takes place in Madison, WI; I always think it is enjoyable when you know the are that a book talks about.  

What I'm listening to: Christmas Music!! I must get it all in 25 days.  

I hope you've had an enjoyable few weeks, 
As always with love from the Midwest,

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