Friday, August 9, 2019

What I ate Wednesday 24 (a little late)

Hello! I know this post is a little late for Wednesday's eats, but we had family staying with us and I like to spend time with them.  It's already August. Wow! I'm starting to think about back to school for myself and my kids, kind of sad.  Also the food at the farmers' markets is starting to turn to midsummer goodness for sure. I love seeing the seasonal changes.  So onto the eats.

Breakfast: Spinach and scrambled eggs, peaches, blueberries and black raspberries, sauerkraut, sourdough bread with cashew butter and apricot jelly, blue juice and coffee.

This was a great way to start the day.  Again all local fruits and veggies except for the very seasonal peaches.  If you haven't tried sauerkraut and eggs I really recommend it.  The mixture of tanginess and cream is delicious. 

Lunch: Salad Nicoise and a festive glass of wine (not pictured) 
My parents drove up and stayed overnight with us.  They love a large composed salad as much as I do.  I knew I had everything I needed on hand and local, except for the tuna.  A salad nicoise is really blanched green beans, boiled potatoes, hard boiled eggs, lettuce, tomatoes and tuna. The dressing is just a simple vinaigrette.  

Dinner: Dijon lemon baked salmon, peach chutney, quick ratatouille, and mashed potatoes.
I'm growing these Turkish orange eggplants in the garden this year and I finally had more than 2 in my fridge. I also had tomatoes, zucchini, onion and herbs so of course I needed to make a quick ratatouille by sauteing everything in a skillet.  I made the peach chutney earlier in the day to can and had some leftovers.  The recipe is in Marissa McClelans' Food in Jars Kitchen.  Wow is it good!

Dessert: Anzac cookie with a bit of vanilla ice cream. 
These are one of my son's favorite cookies.  I was in the mood to make dessert and they are quick and easy.  We both love coconut so it's a win. 


I hope you have been enjoying local eats and time in your kitchen cooking up something delicious.
Bon Appétit!

And as always with love from the Midwest,

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