Thursday, August 1, 2019

What I ate Wednesday 23

Hello!  Another week has passed and it's been absolutely beautiful here.  The temperatures have been in the upper 70s to low 80s and the sky has been a beautiful shade of blue that one only gets in the Midwest away from a large city.  My garden has started to produce more than greens, it's late this year due to the rainy start.  I'm also getting great produce from my CSA and farmers' market.  Of course our meals reflect that for the most part.  

Breakfast: Soft boiled egg, avocado toast on sourdough bread, peaches and blueberries. 
I love eggs for breakfast, as I'm sure you've been able to tell. I did break my local rule yesterday in honor of national avocado day.  My daughter reminded me so of course we had to celebrate.

Lunch: Zucchini soup, hummus toasts with cherry tomatoes and cucumbers. 
I have a lot of zucchini in my fridge now so I'm always trying to think of new ways to use it.  I found this soup recipe in Elizabeth Bard's Picnic in Provence.  It's really delicious, just some chicken stock, white wine and seasonings all pureed together.  I had some small pieces of sourdough left so I topped it with bits and pieces from the garden. I'm eating outside every chance I can get.

Dinner: Taco night, both ground beef and fish.
The beef, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers and salad are all local.  I did cheat with the fish, but we can't be perfect. 

Dessert: Flourless chocolate cake. 
I didn't have too much going on so I tried this cake from Fine Cooking.  It's made in one bowl and is super easy. Everyone loved it and even my oldest who needs to be grain free can eat it.  It's a win. 

I hope you are enjoying some great local food at this time of year, and always.
As always with love from the Midwest,

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