Thursday, March 21, 2019

What I ate Wednesday 11

I finally see grass and mud.  I never thought I'd be so excited about seeing mud.  However the mud came with rain and flooding, and unfortunately our basement had a lot of  water.  But luckily I've been able to run outside, take walks, and I have a space in my study for my yoga.  But on with the food.

Breakfast: Veggie hash, sunny side up egg, cracked wheat bread with peach jam and coffee. I made a bunch of roasted veggies (brussel sprouts, mushrooms and broccoli) on Tuesday night, so I just warmed them up along with black beans and topped it with an egg.  It's a great filling breakfast.

Lunch:  Cauliflower Punttanesca.   My daughter made this for lunch for the two of us.  It's a really tasty mix of cauliflower, tomatoes, olives and capers.  I served it over some leftover quinoa I had in the fridge.

Dinner: Recently I bought and Instant Pot.  I've been having a lot of fun with my new toy.  Dinner yesterday was chicken thighs with Chinese black vinegar and veggies.  I served it over baked rice and roasted veggies. If you can't tell I love roasted veggies.  They go with almost everything.  I thought dinner was okay but I could do better.  

Dessert: Homemade Peanut Butter Cookies. These are a family favorite, a recipe from my mother-in-law.  I love having a fresh cookie and ending my day on a sweet note. 

I hope your week was enjoyable and you've enjoyed some family meals.
Bon Appétit.
And as always with love from the Midwest,

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