Thursday, February 28, 2019

What I Ate Wednesday 9

I hope my weekly What I ate pots inspire you to try something new or just to be okay with what you are eating. For breakfast and lunch I really do eat a lot of the same thing.  Lunch I've learned over the years is easiest for me if I make a large bunch of soup, quiche or fritata during the weekend.  However you may have leftovers from the night before and just like to pack that up.  I just encourage you to eat real food and most importantly enjoy what you are eating.  So here goes Wednesday's eats.

Breakfast:  Well it's one of my favorites!  Avocado toast sunny side up egg, this time I added spinach leaves and tomatoes.  I also tried orange, carrot and pineapple juice in my Vitamix.  I'm not sure about the carrot texture in the Vitamix vs the juicer. Don't forget the coffee.  

Lunch: Creamy quinoa tomato and bean soup. Again one I have a lot; this soup really keeps me full.  I used white beans since I had them in my fridge.  Also I sliced up two kiwis. 

Dinner: I love macaroni and cheese especially in the winter.  This version uses manchego cheese, chorizo sausage, pimentos and peas. My son absolutely loves it.  It also reheats well for leftovers.  I served it with roasted brussel sprouts.  Of course wine to drink. 

Dessert: I love my sweets and like to finish my day with one.  French yogurt cake with peaches I preserved in the summer and whip cream.  I found this recipe in Elizabeth Bard's Lunch in Paris, which is a delightful little read. 

Bon Appétit!

And as always with love from the Midwest,

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