Monday, January 28, 2019

Anatomy of a Snow Day

Well it's already snowed 7" and it's 10:30 am. The snow just keeps coming.  Honestly I don't know how much school we'll have this week. The weather looks awful; I've never seen anything like it predicted.  Highs at -10, yes in the negatives.  So we'll see.

5:40 am - I still woke up early.  I set the alarm a bit later, but the dog had other ideas.  Honestly, I still slept in so I was happy and got close to 8 hours of sleep. 

5: 50-6: 50 am -For the next hour I practiced yoga and meditation. I'm really lucky that I have my own space and a bright cheery room in my basement. 

When I came upstairs I heard my husband outside snowblowing.  As I write this my daughter just came in from shoveling a second time.  

7:00-8:00 am - Breakfast time! I love breakfast on a snow day, because I don't have to rush.  I even have time to make multiple breakfasts. 

For my husband - 1/2 grapefruit, OJ and a few slices of banana bread.  
For me - Buckwheat protein pancake, 1/2 grapefruit, baked apples and coffee.  This is a great protein packed pancake that just happens to be gluten free. I topped mine with maple syrup. 

My son- came down stairs a bit later so I made homemade waffles.  

8:00-9:00 - Reading a book on my sofa.  I'm currently rereading An American Heiress by Daisy Goodwin. It's a light easy read.  

9:00-9:30  - I decided to take a short walk on my tread mill.  I listened to a new podcast for me, Pantry Raid.  It was about 16 minutes long -so perfect for a short mile.  

9:30- to the rest of the day - who knows?  I'll bake something for dessert, read more, knit, paint and watch some TV.  What ever I do it will be relaxing.  Oh, I'll also shovel some snow.

As always with love from the Midwest,

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