Friday, February 16, 2018

Keeping it Easy for Lunch

As I said last week I really like to be prepared for my breakfast and lunch for the school week.  I find that way I honestly don't have to think too much the night before. I just pack my lunch and stick it in the fridge, and I'm ready to go the next morning except for filling my water bottle. Oh and don't forget I love to eat breakfast.  Since its winter my favorite meal for lunch is soup.  I try to eat vegetarian for lunch. I really do love meat of all kinds, and I'm not afraid to say I serve it to my family for dinner most nights save for a vegetarian or fish meal once or twice a week.  I also have found that I have more energy with a lighter lunch. I have the advantage that I can have a snack when I come home in the afternoon, if I'm really hungry.  So what was this week's lunch? Broccoli and Cheese Soup. I usually add another helping of fruit or some nuts in my lunch too; if I'm feeling really hungry. This photo was from home today; I'm using up leftovers so I served it with the last of my sourdough bread and a wonderful creamy cheese.

Also it's rare that I snack at school however one of my colleagues made homemade fruit leather.  It was a great addition one day this week.  The red is a strawberry and blueberry purée (no sugar added and none needed) and the yellow/gold is unsweetened applesauce with a  sprinkling of cinnamon.  They were really good.  It makes me think about owning or playing around with a friend's dehydrator.

Please do think about planning a head a little bit for at least one meal this next week -its amazing how easy, less expensive and way better for you it is.  Plus if you make a lot of a soup you can even freeze some to pull out at a later day or even a dinner.

Bon Appétit, 
and as always with love from the Midwest,

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