Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Breakfast Diary

So I've been seeing a lot of what I ate this week posts, a food diary per se.  I really like to read these to get ideas and just to see what other people are eating in different parts of the country and the world.  I allow myself during the weekdays about 20 minutes or so to make and eat breakfast.  So needless to say breakfast needs to be quick.  I'm thankful that I like toast, eggs, and avocados because they are all quick, filling and a healthy way to start out my day. My drink of choice is coffee.  I have a programmable coffee maker so it is ready when I am.

One of my favorites is avocado toast, topped with lemon olive oil and either a poached or fried egg.  I prefer a poached egg, but honestly it is much quicker to make a fried egg; I don't need the water to heat up.  I almost always have homemade sourdough bread around so this super easy.

Speaking of toast I still love my toast with ricotta cheese, ground flax seed and homemade jam.  I almost always have a piece of fruit with this as well.

I was in a hurry this morning so I didn't chop my left over broccoli, but the scrambled eggs and broccoli still tasted good and were quick to make.  The bread is a craisin orange bread that uses whole wheat flour and oats to cut out some of the AP flour.  Of course I can't forget my fruit and coffee.

What did you enjoy for breakfast this week?
As always with love from the Midwest,

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