Monday, March 12, 2018

Working with Leftovers

I like to repurpose my leftovers.  By that I mean I'm not much for reheating something to serve to my family for dinner, for lunch that is fine, but no way for dinner. I guess I'm really too much of a food snob.  Also I know I can always get creative with leftovers, like this recipe for Beef Stew. My mother-in-law gave it to me years ago and it starts with leftover steak or roast.  I prefer not to use shredded beef for that - I keep that for other things.  The rest of the ingredients are usually things I have on hand in my pantry.  If you don't have enough leftover steak after one night save what you do have in a labeled plastic bag and add to it as you go.  I call it the "stew bag".  I also do the same thing with leftover chicken for casseroles etc.  The rest is super easy. 

As you can see the recipe calls for:
steak - cut into 1" chunks
2-3 peeled potatoes - cut into bite sized pieces
2 carrots - peeled and chopped
2 stalks celery - chopped
1 onion - cut into large chunks
2 cans beef consumé
1/2 can of soup's worth of red wine
2 Tbl tomato paste
2 Tbl Dijon mustard
2 bay leaves

Just dump all of your ingredients into a 2 quart casserole and cover.  Stick it in a preheated 325 degree oven for 4 hours.   I like to serve this with homemade French Bread (see this old post),  salad and of course a red wine.

This is a new Spanish wine my husband I tried recently, a Tempranillo, called Entresuelos.  It has good body, but wasn't overpowering. 

As always with love from the Midwest and Bon Appétit!,

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