Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Thoughts for April

April brings about many changes.  In northeast Wisconsin we finally get to see grass and a few flowers budding here and there.  One of my favorite things to do is to take walks and see all of the brand new buds coming up.  I also love the smell of boxwood that permeates the air at this time of year.  We are lucky enough to have a boxwood hedge. 
Part of the boxwood hedge.
My first crocus

My rhubarb starting to pop up.

Here are some suggestions to get the most out of April no matter where you live.
1. Go for a walk -if you can at a forest preserve or nature trail.
2. Buy some flowers to have in your home, bring the outside in.
3. Try a new recipe that is spring food specific.
4. Find a new way to wear an older piece of clothing.
5. Spring clean a closet or drawer or shelf in the kitchen or your bedroom.

A plustard,

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