Monday, January 25, 2016

Pumpkin Pecan Chocolate Chip Muffins

I found this recipe in edible Door Magazine. What drew me to them is the list of healthy ingredients as well as all of the spices.  I'm a fan flavorful healthy food. I did not change the recipe at all except to make a loaf of bread and not the muffins.  They are quite good for a snack and I know that it will be delicious for breakfast tomorrow.  The only problem will be deciding between my date nut bread and this.  (I'll share the date nut bread later on).

I really like  this magazine,  Edible Door.  I first came across one of it's sister magazines in Seattle, WA. and found this one a year or later while I was on a family trip to Door County.  I'm a big fan of local food, when it is available so not in January in Wisconsin.  This magazine also highlights our local business, farms as well as sharing foods that can be made mostly with local ingredients.

A small sample for my snack.

As always take sometime to make something new this week whether it be a big or small undertaking.

Bon Appétit!

Monday, January 18, 2016

Upgrade for Free

January is a great time to redo things in your home. After I take down Christmas I like to leave things plain for a week or two and start over.  I decided this year to upgrade my entryway.  As you can see by the first photo it was just a little plain.  I'll admit its been this way for years.  After looking a Pintrest for inspiration I decided that I didn't need to buy anything new just rearrange what is already out in my house or hiding in my basement.  I love the idea of coffee table books so I found 2 in my bookshelf.  They are art themed; a topic I love.   My mother-in-law just gave my the glass bowl, and I wanted to use it.   The shells I had in plastic bags from trips to Florida. I just put everything together and I have an instant free redo.  I didn't think my family would really notice and they did.   It also helped that I cleaned up some of our family's stuff.    So here you have a clean and tidy look that will take me through multiple seasons.  I hope my 10 minutes inspires you to look around your house and see what you can change up without buying anything new.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Winter Wonderland

Our winter wonderland. 

One of the things I love about living in the upper mid west is the changing of the seasons.  Well this last week it snowed!!! Finally.  The Monday after Christmas a blizzard came through and dumped 12" of snow in North East Wisconsin.  I have cross country skis and haven't been out on them in 2 years.  I'm so thankful that I had the time off to enjoy the snow.  It is so uplifting to be outside no matter what the weather is like.  I must admit it took at least a mile or two for me to get used to skiing again, but it was so fun and great exercise.   
What are the ways you enjoy the changing seasons?