Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Vegetarian Eats

 Hello! It's been a while since I last posted. I've just been taking a break from the computer after work recently or I've had more school work to do.  I've also been taking a break from social media for Lent.  So I've been posting less there, except for a new blog post.  

I decided to make this post a few of my favorite vegetarian, if not vegan recipes.  I am not a vegetarian, yet I try not to eat meat until dinner.  I find for lunch it is too heavy and there are so many delicious soups and bean recipes why limit myself. 

This recipe could be for any meal: chickpea scramble with garlic kale.  This makes 2 generous portions and you can see I topped mine with avocado and salsa. Please don't skimp on the salsa; any type  would be good. 

For lunch or dinner how about corn chowder with quinoa? I've made this recipe both in the Instant Pot and on the stove and it turns out great either way.  Also feel free to sub different types of beans. 

This may not be pretty but steel cut oats in the slow cooker are always so easy.  This time I made it PB and J style.  I added my Smucker's peanut butter, thawed blueberries, unsweetened coconut, collagen and little bit of maple syrup for sweetness. 

A tofu scramble for breakfasts was a new recipe for me. I didn't know how long this would really take, so I made it the night before.  It was great the next two days.  I added spinach, peppers, onions, nutritional yeast while I cooked it.  When I warmed it up the next day I topped it with Tajin seasoning. 

Leftover oats savory style.  For me that means oats topped with precooked veggies, avocado, kimchi and a sunny side up egg. 

One of my favorite vegan dinners is mushroom bolognese.  This recipe can just simmer away and my mostly veggie hating husband enjoys this dinner, here and there. This is not for mushroom hater.  This goes very well with a nice red wine and a green salad to round out the meal.  

I hope this gives you a little inspiration to try some new vegetarian if not vegan meals.  As I said even if it just adds to your recipe collection.  

Bon Appétit!
And as always with love from the Midwest,

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