Thursday, March 5, 2020

Some Delicious Meals Lately

Hello! I hope you are all doing well. The snow is starting to melt, and I feel a bit of spring in the air.  I've decided I really like this format of some of my favorite meals over the past week, or in  this case week and a half.  Recently it was my birthday so there were some extra yummy treats of course.  

So what have we been eating in our house?  Here it goes..

Croissants!  I don't usually make a special trip for croissants, but I was already at the bakery picking up a cake so I couldn't resist.  I paired it with my homemade cherry preserves.  Delish!

Crèpes complètes.  We had some extra ham in the fridge so I made crèpes for dinner and filled them with ham and cheese and topped with an egg.

Huevos Rancheros:  This was a great way to start my morning. Honestly I happened to have extra refried beans from a taco night in the fridge, tortillas and salsa.  In the morning all I had to do was heat up the beans, fry the tortilla and then the eggs. I also added some extra spinach.  

Another good breakfast: I had a small bit of cinnamon swirl bread left and it was getting a little old.  I made it into french toast.  This was a decadent start to my day. 

Cheese soufflé:  With the start of Lent, last Friday we had this for dinner along with French bread, and a green salad.  

I hope you are inspired to enjoy some yummy meals this week. You are worth it.  
As always with love from the Midwest,

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