Tuesday, October 15, 2019

A Week of Breakfasts

Hello! It was a busy week last week and continues to be this week.  On top of that we are having computer issues so it is not always easy to write a post.  However I squeezed in a bit of time today and the computer worked! Hooray! I thought I'd share a couple of quick breakfast ideas for the work day.  I usually spend about 10 minutes making my breakfast.  That means something needs to be pre-made or very quick.  Here's last week's eats. 

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday:
Egg cups, butter tomatoes, pumpkin bread, blueberries and peanut butter. 
What a delicious big breakfast and yes it took less than 6 minutes to make.  I made the egg cups over the weekend along with the pumpkin bread.  I just had to reheat it all.  The butter tomatoes (my new favorite) also just had to be reheated.  I just slathered on my Smucker's natural peanut butter and put some of the last blueberries on my plate and done! 

Wednesday:  Sourdough peanut butter and jelly toasted, baked apples.
I love toasted peanut butter and jelly, especially when it is my jelly (peach this time).  I also love my baked apples.  Again this takes about 6 minutes to prepare.  I just have to toast the bread and make the open face sandwich and heat up the apples I made the night before. 

Friday: Sunny side up egg, roasted veggies, pumpkin bread with peanut butter.
Roasted veggies from last night come together quickly with a sunny side up egg (again about 3 minutes) and they are a delicious combo.  Also you are starting your day with veggies and we always need more of those.  The bread just needs to be cut and topped with peanut butter.  

I hope this gives you a few ideas for your before work breakfasts.  
Bon Appétit!
and as always with love from the Midwest,

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