Wednesday, September 4, 2019

What I ate Wednesday 26

Hello! Well I'm back at school and with that a busy September.  It always takes a few weeks to get back in the groove of things. The hardest thing is remembering to make my lunch. I always make it the night before along with my coffee in the coffee maker and a plan for breakfast the next day. It sounds silly but it works for me. 

Breakfast: Avocado toast, local sunny side up egg and local melon.  Of course there is coffee.  I still try to keep mostly local, but I had an avocado in my fridge so why not use it.  It always makes a great breakfast.

Lunch: Zucchini fritters topped with ratatouille.
I made a big batch of both of these for the week.  I figured the ratatouille is so good on a lot of things and fritters I finished up with this lunch. It may not look super pretty but it did taste good and reheated well; of course it was all local. 

Dinner: Homemade pasta, sausage, shishito peppers and chanterelles. (local veggies of course) (Wine not pictured)
My husband had  some extra time to make homemade pasta.  This dish is really just sauteing all the sausage and veggies together adding some herbs and garlic and about 3/4 cup chicken broth.  I then toss the past a in and add fresh grated cheese.  So easy!

No dessert- after the pasta I actually wasn't hungry.  

Bon Appétit!
And as always with love from the Midwest,

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