Thursday, April 11, 2019

What I ate Wednesday 13

Another week has gone by.  I thought I'd be writing with a pretty view of grass and trees.  Unfortunately not so, it snowed last night and I have a winter do-over for a few days.  However I know the snow will be gone quickly and spring will come back.  On to the eats.

Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with spinach, toast with natural peanut butter, pineapple and coffee.  I thought I'd treat myself to scrambled eggs yesterday.  I love to add bit of spinach and some cheese as well. 

Lunch: Cream of mushroom and barley soup and grapes.  I thought I would have leftovers from dinner the previous night, but my family ate them all.  So luckily I had a container of soup in the freezer all ready to go.  I based my soup loosely on this recipe.  I added a few more spices and a little less cream and blended some of the soup for a creamer consistency. 

After school I needed some tea on a blustery day.  After 2 pm I only have decaf tea.  This one, roasted almond chai, is from a local tea store.  They sell everything in loose leaves which makes the process of making the tea that much more relaxing. 

Dinner: Thai curry with chicken and brown rice.  My daughter found the curry recipe one day searching for something for lunch so I just added some chicken for a more substantial dinner.  The curry had peppers, carrots and spinach in one skillet, so it made for an easy cleanup.  As you can see wine and water to drink.  

Dessert: (not pictured) a bowl of coffee ice cream with chocolate sauce. I always like a sweet ending.

Bon Appétit!
And as always with love from the Midwest,

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