Wednesday, August 15, 2018

What going on in the Kitchen

I truly love summer.  Maybe part of it is because I am home more, but I think the other part of that is mid to late summer all of the wonderful local produce that starts coming my way.  I thought I'd share what I've been up to in the kitchen lately.  The summer has been hot so my garden has been doing much better this year, as long as I keep up with the watering.  Because of that we've had a lot of wonderful Caprese salads. This is really one of my favorite lunches.  I always use the best quality olive oil and balsamic vinegar I can find, Round Pond Estate is one of my favorites.

I also love a peach pie.  My oldest daughter has to be gluten free so we experimented with gf crust and found that America's Test Kitchen How Can it be Gluten Free crust is really the best.  It only lasts about 2 days so eat the pie quickly.

For lunch or breakfasts migas has been popular in our house.  We decided to top it with avocado, tomatoes and cilantro.  With lunch on the weekend I served it with a Spanish rosé  and for breakfast just with my coffee and extra fruit.

I also tried garlic scrapes for the first time.  I'm not quite sure what I think of them.  They are more peppery than I thought they'd be.  Perhaps it just that they are older in the season. I read if you blanch them for 30 seconds they loose some of their peppery flavor.  Maybe that's something to try.

However, I did make garlic scrape pesto.  Any type of pesto from the summer is such a welcome taste in the middle of a Midwest winter. I freeze it in an ice cube tray and pop it in a plastic freezer bag when frozen.

I hope you have been enjoying your summer.
As always with love from the Midwest,

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