Monday, April 2, 2018

March Round Up

Well I have no real reason for not posting recently.  It's not like the weather was so wonderful that I was outside everyday after school, but maybe I tried to be.  This month included our family's spring break; my eldest who is in college was also home.  So spring break meant a little get away to one of my favorite places, Door County. I took this picture at Fish Creek as you can see it was still quite cold, but it was sunny and nice to get outside.  This trip also included at walk in Peninsula State Park and some attempts at finding new coffee shops.  Unfortunately many places were closed  since we were there during the week.  However it's always nice to get out of town, sleep in and take some relaxed walks.

What happened in our kitchen?  Well my husband had a great idea of trying to make fried perch at home.  This is something I have fallen in love with, but I can't find just a perfect restaurant for the meal.  However I can't take the credit here, he nailed it.  The fish was still light without being greasy.  I served it with a quick salt and vinegar coleslaw, my pickled corn salad from the summer and roasted potatoes.  Delish!

Further kitchen adventures included huevos rancheros from the Cookie and Kate blog.  I served mine with all of the toppings, yes to the avocado and cheese. I would highly recommend this recipe as a nice fresh change of pace to your breakfast routine.

As for wine, we found an inexpensive source for a new house wine, Meridian chardonnay.  If you haven't tried this brand it's a very easy to drink chardonnay with almost anything. And at most stores it runs under $10 a bottle.

Bon Appétit and as always with love from the Midwest,

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