Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Best of March

Well March has definitely been a mix of spring and winter, mostly winter here.  I'm writing this post during my spring break from school.  I went to Chicago last weekend with my son for a short get a way other wise I'm enjoying some relaxing before the busy spring comes along.  One of my favorite places to visit is the Art Institute of Chicago.  If you love art and have not visited the AIC please do.  There were 2 exhibits that I saw this time.  The first is Whistler's Mother (A Study in Grey and Black).  I saw this painting years ago in Paris, but it is in Chicago for a short time in a small exhibit.  The second great exhibit is the newly opened Medieval and Renaissance permanent exhibit.  I adore Medieval Art so I thought this was fascinating.  (I studied Medieval Art in college).  This picture came from the arms and amour room.  

Another treat was a visit to the store front of the nuns of Abby St. Roger.  It was delightful for a Francophile.  I think if this store was near me I'd gain 10 pounds and spend too much money.  I opted for a beautiful fruit tart and croissants for breakfast the next day.  Of course I enjoyed them with my coffee.

Of course what is March without a fire in the fireplace. It still is cold and damp.  Actually this is my favorite time of year to have a fire; it takes away the chill of the day.  I like to enjoy my fire with a glass of kir.  The ingredients are quiet simple.  The creme de casis can be tricky to get, but stay with a French variety if you can.  Its worth spending a bit more money.

White wine ( you can use champagne if you'd like a kir royale)
creme de casis to taste.

Finally what I'm reading:  I'm still reading In a Dark Wood Wandering from last month.  It 's a rather long book.

What I'm watching on Netflix: The Great British Bake-Off, Escape to the Country (yes another British TV series) and the Gilmore Girls,  I know it doesn't go with the theme, but its a sweet show. 

 I hope you've enjoyed your month 
and as always with love from the Midwest,

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Chocolate Roulade

My middle daughter and I wanted to make a rolled cake.  Truly we've been watching too much of the Great British Bake-Off. Many times I've recipes like these in magazines and other blogs, but this recipe from The Pioneer Woman was simple and delicious.  What I've included are our photos from this recipe.  The ingredients and the amount of time to make the recipe were spot on.  So if you have ever wanted to try a cake like this I highly recommend this one.

We finished the cake with a  chocolate ganache frosting.  Simply delightful.
Bon appétit,
as always with love from the Midwest,

Monday, March 13, 2017


On the weekends I really try to make a kid friendly breakfast. My son's favorite is pancakes. Chocolate chip with maple syrup are his favorites.  My girls really love their waffles.  While I always think about making the pancakes a bit "healthier", it comes down to the fact that white flour pancakes are just delicious.  I do like to add some flaxseed to mine and or cinnamon while they are on the griddle.  There are so many options all over the internet, but sometimes old fashioned is best.  I never make mine from a mix. They are just too easy and all of the ingredients are what I would have around in the first place. Of course I always add some fruit.  This weekend it was a clementine or two. I may have eaten one already and of course a cup of cappuccino in a pretty cup and saucer.  My machine gets quiet a workout on the week-ends.  What makes a Saturday breakfast even better is that is that I get to take my time eating it.  

Pancakes for 4-5 servings:  All my measurements are rough.  You might need to add a bit more milk or flour.

Whisk together:
1 1/2 cups of AP flour
1/4 tsp salt
1 Tbsp baking powder

In a large  measuring dish mix:
1 egg
3 Tbsp vegetable oil
1 1/4-1 1/2 cups milk.  I like to use whole and add about 1 1/2 cups
1 tsp vanilla extract

Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and mix together until all is incorporated.  Let the mixture sit for about 5-10 minutes while the griddle heats up.  Measure out 1/4 cup for each pancake and cook.

Bon Appétit 
and as always with love from the Midwest,

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Comfy Winter Weekend

Yes it's March and we still have snow in Wisconsin.  When I'm in my house for a snowy Saturday or Friday evening there are many activities I love to do. Friday when I get home from work I like to finish up some of the school work I have; I know that's not really relaxing, but then it's done.  I also enjoy a cup of tea.  One of my favorite colors is red so I really like my Chantal tea pot that just sits on my stove.  It really adds a pop of color.  Also loose leaf teas are so much fun to play around with.  They give a bit of ceremony to a simple cup of tea.

This week I wore my favorite jeans from Vineyard Vines, a comfy sweater and an infinity scarf, along with my ever needed Smart Wool socks to school.  I like to be a bit more casual, yet still sharp on Fridays.  If I don't have too much work I love to catch up on my pleasure reading (books or magazines) and my knitting.   Below are a couple of my favorite magazines and my two new cook books by Mimi Thorisson.  

Also a winter weekend, well any weekend, is not complete without a delicious breakfast.  So this last weekend it was French toast, local sausage, with Door County maple syrup, baked apples and of course a cup of cappuccino.  I love to make a large cappuccino on the weekends and in the summer.  

I hope you find ways to make your last of winter weekends cozy and delightful.
As always with love from the Midwest,