Monday, February 20, 2017

Wining Away

What is currently in my house in the wine cellar?  Not too much, but a few bottles that will be consumed soon.  Currently there are no reds, but that is because they've all been consumed with our heavy winter food.  With my birthday right around the corner I see know better time to open up a better bottle of wine.  For my birthday dinner I'm serving a smoked salmon pasta with a cream sauce. I think the MacRostie Chardonnay will go quite nicely with it.  It is not as buttery as the Rombauer.  The Rombauer will need to wait for a fish or chicken dish.

I also have a late harvest Sauvingnon Blanc.  I forgot to serve it with the apple tarts I made recently, but I'll find a time to drink it soon.  The Proseco -well it is sweet and light.  There is nothing sweet and light about late winter in Wisconsin.  It will definitely hold.

And my Bota Box,  well this is the house wine.  Any day you can open up a box.  It is a great value with a nice flavor and easy on the budget.  I highly recommend you find a house wine that fits what you need.

I hope this small post prompts you to find a few nice bottles of to keep around for any occaision, be it special or not.  

Santé and as always with love from the Midwest,

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