Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Halloween Tradition

I'm not quite sure when this tradition started, but we've been having fondue on Halloween for years.  When my children were younger they thought it was like eating out of a witch's cauldron.  So every Halloween we bring up the fondue pots, make several sauces and enjoy our traditional evening.  I usually serve a variety of proteins (beef, chicken and shrimp) along with several sauces and broccoli.  The sauces were a curry mayonnaise, Asian peanut dipping sauce, melted butter and teriyaki.   Really what ever you think might be wonderful.  The broth just about 8c beef broth seasoned with green onions, garlic, ginger, soy sauce (1 T) and sherry (1 T).  I just bring it to a boil in the fondue pot and then turn to a simmer.  As a tip I always like to have a bit of extra broth in case there is a lot of evaporation.

This year my children also wanted chocolate fondue. So I obliged. There are many recipes so just give a few a try.  What did I serve with it?  Fruit (pineapple is also good), marshmallows, pound cake and graham crackers.

What ever your traditions are, keep celebrating.
As always with love from the Midwest,

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