Sunday, October 16, 2016

Taking Advantage

As I write this post it is mid-October sunny and 65 degrees.  The sun is playing among the golden leaves as they drift onto the ground.  This is a rare fall day when I can still wear capris, a light long sleeve shirt and Birkenstock.  I stated my day with a run getting ready for my next 10k.  The moon was huge and low in the eastern sky and ground fog was coming off the streets and grass as the day was starting to unfold.  Every window in our house is open, because I never know when they'll be shut for what seems like an eternity.  My husband just went to the store to pick up bratwursts for grilling for lunch.  Usually I'm all for making a healthy soup or salad, but as I said I'm taking advantage of the day. I put our sheets out on the line to dry and will pick more flowers from the zinnias that we still have.   I plan to read outside later as well.

Yesterday we put the garden to bed save a few plants and enjoyed what the last few weeks of the farmers market had to offer.  How to end a great Saturday? Steaks on the grill, with delicious chanterelles and potatoes from our garden.
A black radish from Saturday's farmer's market.  I love the black and white coloring; they taste like a radish.

What is left of the garden.  I'm still using all local fruits and vegetables. Lettuce and my large leafy greens remain.

The beautiful fall day.

Enjoy and Happy Fall.
As always with love from the Midwest,

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