Monday, September 26, 2016

Best of September

September was a very quick month.  With being back to school (work) and our children's activities the time flew by.  So much I didn't write many blog posts.  It's always hard to find a way to get into adding a new activity into the mix.  Even though September is super busy I love the fall season.  Everything just smells differently. I went for a run the other morning and I noticed not the sweet smell of spring's newness, but a mustiness and leaves starting to change color.  Yes in Northeast Wisconsin it fall starts before the fall equinox.

Of course this month I started more canning.  The winner was applesauce.  Acutally I counted over 100 jars that I canned over the summer and early fall.  Now to find place for them.  I usually just make it in my large dutch oven without any added sugar. Sometimes I purée it with my immersion blender other times I leave it chunky. I keep it warm while I prepare the jars and then process the sauce.

 I also ran my first relay for our local marathon. (I'm in the middle)  The relay was divided into 5 parts -my part  was the first leg a 10K.  I had never run that far before and it really was a great way to get into distance running.  The Hal Higdon training method was great and I was able to finish without walking which was my goal.

I'm currently reading The Red Tent. It is a women's book set in the time of the Old Testament and center's around Dinah one of Joseph's sisters.  You don't need to be religious to enjoy this book. It is taking me a little longer to read this just because of the busy month.

New Recipe: Rachel Ray's Grilled Shrimp Fajitas.  My son and I really enjoy shrimp, but the rest of the family doesn't. So one night we had tacos of 2 varieties.  I changed the tomatilloes for red peppers, since that is what I had on hand and used my own seasoning on the shrimp.  I grilled both the vegetables and the shrimp as well as the tortillas on our Big Green Egg.

I hope your September has been just as enjoyable and maybe a little less busy.

As always with love from the Midwest,

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