Monday, June 6, 2016

Sunday Dinner in June

 Well since I missed my monthly Sunday dinner post in May I'm posting early in June. We were very busy with birthday dinners and family coming back into town from sunny Florida.

 What's for dinner last Sunday?  The menu was: 

Grilled Koren Pork Steaks

Spoon Bread 

Sautéd Brocoli Rabe

House Chardonnay from Bota Box 

Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Sandwiches with some leftover cookies my daugher made

The pork steaks come from our 1/2 pig we just took delivery of.  If you know of a farmer in your area that processes local meats, be it grass or corn fed, it really makes all the difference in the world.  It is convienient, you know where your meat comes from and you are supporting a local farmer.

here is the merinade for the Korean Pork Steaks that my mother uses for pork tenderloin
 2/3 cup pinapple juice or orange juice
1/3 cup soy sauce
1 T dried minced onions
1 T sesame seeds
1 T brown sugar
1 t minced garlic
1/4 cup water

Mix all together and pour into plastic bags and add the meat.  You can merinate the pork for 2-24 hours.  So this can be made a day a head.   When you are ready to grill save the merinade and pour into a small sauce pan.  Add 1/2 cup water and 1 T corn starch to the merinade and bring to a boil for about 5 mintes.  It will be safe to use as a sauce.

 I grilled the pork steaks for about 5-6  minutes per side at 375 degrees on my Big Green Egg and then let them rest for about 3-4 minutes.  Pass the sauce on the side. 

As always take time to sit down with your family no matter how small the rewards over time are so worth it.

Bon Appétit,

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