Monday, April 25, 2016

A Normal Morning

I was recently inspired by a post I read on the FauxMartha.  Please check out this blog if you haven't yet.  The post was about what a real morning looks like.  I have 3 children ages 12-16 and they are all responsible for their own breakfasts; its been that way for about 6 years.  

If they are lucky there are leftovers from the weekend ie: waffles and pancakes.  That is my middle child's favorite.  If not it is usually cold cereal and oatmeal.  I wish I could say that they choose low sugar varieties, but I can't. I'm a realist.  I just happy that we all sit down for about 10 minutes together, mostly in silence, eating our breakfast. I usually let them know of anything that is going on later in the day if need be.  I know they are at least starting the day with something in their bellies.  Sometimes I remember to make crockpot steel cut oats so that is much better.  I like that too.
A selection of oatmeal 

As for me.. I really like to have fruit with my breakfast.  Recently I've been using up the canned peaches I made over the summer and eating a baked apple dish.  I usually have this with  homemade bread of some variety and a source of protein and don't forget the coffee.    

Baked apples ready for a quick warm up this morning.

Here is the baked apple recipe - I adapted it from Cooking Light years ago.  It keeps well in the fridge and just microwave it for 30-40 seconds in the morning for a warm treat.  All of the measurements can be messed with to suit your tastes.

In a microwave safe dish add:
5-6 chopped apples -leave the peel on
1/2 cup chopped walnuts or pecans
1/4 craisins or dried cherries
1/4 c brown sugar 
2 tsp cinnamon
1/4-1/2 cup of water

Stir together and microwave for 20 minutes.  The apples will be soft.  I just let it come to room temperature before I put it in the fridge for the next couple days of breakfast.  

Bon Appétit (what ever the meal looks like)

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