Friday, August 7, 2015


As I mentioned before I am also a yoga teacher and student.  Today, in yoga class, we were discussing mindfulness. I was sent home with the homework of being mindful every time I opened the door.  It really makes you come out of auto-pilot every time you do a mundane task.  Today I've take this a bit further and practiced mindful eating. This practice involves chewing slowly, not talking to anyone or doing anything else when I  eat.  I don't usually multi-task when eating but not talking is hard.  However this really makes you think about what you are putting in your mouth.  And shouldn't we always?  Today I challenge you to make a mundane chore "mindful".  If it is washing the dishes notice the water on your skin and how the dish feels. Perhaps when you are preparing a meal really be mindful when you are chopping or stirring. Try not to think about anything else when you do that task. As for me, I'm still trying to be mindful today when I open doors.  

Let me know what how you were mindful today.


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