Wednesday, August 22, 2018

All in a Day's Eating

I thought I'd share mostly what I generally eat in a summer day.  Sometimes it's just nice to have inspiration of what to cook or put together.  This morning I started with crepes.  Usually we make pancakes, but one of my children requested crepes for breakfast.  It was so good.  I loaded mine with peaches, blueberry thyme compote that I had from a pound cake, whip cream and a little bit of granola. My favorite recipe comes from Alton Brown.  The batter is always perfect.  I use the 20 minute wait time to cut fruit or anything else that is going in them. Perhaps something savory for dinner.

Lunch was cherry gazpacho. It is just light and delicious.  As you can see I served it with avocado toast and tomatoes.  

Since it was Friday and nice out my husband and I went out for a glass of wine and some snacks at our local wine bar.  This is something we've been doing a lot this summer and it is such a enjoyable simple date. 

For dinner, after the wine bar,I like to keep it simple.  So I made an easy beef stir fry using my zucchini from my garden and mushrooms from the farmers' market. 

Hope this inspires you to eat good food and enjoy nature's bounty.
Bon appétit, and as always with love from the Midwest,

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