Tuesday, January 30, 2018

January Round-Up

January has passed by really quickly.  Maybe just because I'm getting older or I've just been trying a few new things recently.  I've wanted to pick up painting again, but I haven't gotten there yet.  There is still February and much more of 2018.  However I have done a few things this month.

What I read: 

Beartown is about the aftermath of a rape in a small town in Sweden that is entirely focused on hockey. This book was very well written.  Usually a book with a plot revolving around a rape is something I wouldn't read, but this was so much more. It was gut wrenching and very difficult to put down.

On the other hand the The Curious Charms of Arthur Pepper was charming.  It is about an old man who learns about the "secret" life of his recently diseased wife and in the process learns about himself too. 

What I've been listening to: 
I've recently started listening to podcasts when I run in the morning just as a change from the norm. The collection on Gastropod is really interesting. It combines food with history and science.  I'm interested in finding new podcasts.

What I've cooked:
Kale and goat cheese cups for breakfast.  They were super easy to make on Sunday and warmed up well in the microwave all week.  I would suggest cooking the kale a little more than the recommended 2 minutes. Maybe a feta would be delicious as well for a change.  Here I served it with a chocolate chip banana bread.  This is a great way to start my day before school.  

I hope your month was as enjoyable as mine.  
As always with love from the Midwest,

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