Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Best of December

Well as it is late afternoon, the sun has set and all of the Christmas festivities are over it is a great time to reflect on the best of the month.  As I've said before I really enjoy the whole month of December, the whole Christmas season.  As I've mentioned in my last 2 posts, I really do enjoy baking cookies with my family.  This year my girls really got into helping and organizing me.   However there are other wonderful things too.

We had several winter storms this December and had a white Christmas.  The first in a few years. I really love going for a walk in the snow; the silence is beautiful.

Of course after a walk there is a fire. We have a wood burning fire place and there is nothing quite like it.  I love the crackle of the logs and the warmth of the fire.  

Of course I also love Christmas day. I try to make something that is a little more extravagant for lunch. This year I made cheese fondue.  I served sausage, homemade french bread, broccoli, and red peppers and apples.  To drink? A chardonnay. I always have to have a nice glass of wine for lunch on a festive occasion.

As always to end the best of the month's post with a book I'm reading.

What I'm reading: The Christmas Train by David Baldacci.  It is super cut and a lovely little read for the holidays.

Image result for the christmas train book

I hope this month and year treated you as well as it did me.  

As always,
With love from the Midwest
and Happy New Year,

Monday, December 19, 2016

Christmas Cookies Part 2

Well we are still enjoying Christmas cookies in my house.  As I've mentioned before we make them all throughout December and enjoy them for dessert. This past week I made a few different types.  I tried a new Spritz cookie press.

I used the recipe that came with the machine and they came out like European butter cookies, and were enjoyed by all.  My girls and I also made   peppermint crackle cookies from Southern Living Magazine.  I really do enjoy this magazine even though I do live in  the upper Midwest.  There is a lot of peppermint in them, so I think I'll reduce the amount next year.  

To finish off the holiday baking season we made our sugar cut-out cookies.  I know we are not the greatest decorators, but we all had fun doing some decorating.  My frosting is buttercream which goes very well with the soft cookie. 

How are you enjoying the Christmas season?

As always bon appétit and love from the Midwest,

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Christmas Cookies Part 1

It is 28 degrees, and I'm enjoying the Christmas lights come on as the sun has set at 4:45 in Wisconsin.  We had about 5" of snow overnight and during the day.  So all of our evergreens are piled with snow.  I thought I'd make a few posts about Christmas cookies.  This weekend I made fudge and Peanut Butter Blossoms with Hershey's Kisses. I know the peanut butter cookies are not necessarily a Christmas cookie, but they are always delicious and I don't always have time to make cookies.  I just use the recipe on the back of the kisses, with a few changes in amounts.  It is always nice to make them with someone else - there is a lot of rolling in balls and opening kisses.  This time it was my middle daughter.  We also listened to Christmas music, Pentatonix for craziness in the kitchen.

I encourage you to take some time and bake.  If it is with a loved one or a good friend even better.  
As always with love from the Midwest,

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Best of November

Well this picture started out my November.  I ran my second 10k in early November. I really lucked out on the weather. It was beautiful, and the run took me along our river front and beautiful old homes.  I always think it's so nice to run or walk in a different part of the town.  If you can see it the medal has handcuffs on it from Harry Houdini.  I also was able to run a 5 miles on Thanksgiving at our annual Turkey Trot. I love ending my race with a latte, this one was pumpkin spice from a local coffee shop.

My husband and I also tried growing shiitake mushrooms in our basement.  Well as you can see from the picture....it worked.   This was the first harvest.  We had to give some away.  The next harvest wasn't as nearly as plentiful.  I don't know if I'd really order the mushrooms again, but they were from Wisconsin. Although it was fun to try something new and be successful.

This month on a whim I also started knitting again.  I hadn't for a while because of a nasty tennis elbow. However one Saturday I popped into the local store and found a lovely little project.  As you can see by the picture it is a snood, a shawl and more.  So I've been enjoying knitting by the fire a few nights this November.

As for a new recipe, my family really enjoyed confetti spaghetti from taste of home.  I made it the Tuesday before Thanksgiving as something simple and homey.  It was just perfect for that.

I also finished my latest book Dead Wake. It is about the sinking of the Lusitania and very historically accurate.  It was a fascinating read and there were points that I couldn't put it down.

As always love from the Midwest,