Monday, September 28, 2015

Yellow Cake with Marscapone Frosting

I love dessert.  I really have to have a little something sweet every night.  The other day I thought cake was in order.  After years of making a double layer cake for my family and having way too much left over I started making single layer cakes.  With our family of 5 it is gone in 2 days.  This way it  always is fresh.  The recipe below makes 2 cakes.  Sometimes I freeze one, but this time I just cut it in 1/2.

    • 1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter
    • 1 3/4 cups sugar
    • 4 large eggs plus 2 large egg yolks
    • 1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract
    • 3 cups cake flour (spooned and leveled)
    • 1 tablespoon baking powder
    • 1/2 teaspoon fine salt
    • 1 1/2 cups buttermilk

  1. Bring cold ingredients to room temperature. Butter should be soft enough to hold a thumbprint but still keep its shape. In a large bowl, using an electric mixer, beat butter and sugar on high until light and fluffy, about 6 minutes.
  2. Beat in 4 eggs plus 2 yolks, one at a time, until combined. Beat in vanilla extract.
  3. In another large bowl, whisk together cake flour, baking powder, and salt. With mixer on low, add 1/3 the flour mixture to butter mixture, beating to combine.
  4. Beat in 3/4 cup buttermilk, another 1/3 the flour mixture, another 3/4 cup buttermilk, and remaining flour mixture until just combined. Scrape down bowl as needed.
  5. Bake 350 for about 30 minutes.  

The frosting is a marscapone frosting.  Just equal parts marscapone and cream cheese, with a little vanilla extract and 1/3 cup of powdered sugar.  I decorated it with the last of the summer blueberries.

Bon Appétit!


Monday, September 21, 2015

More adventures with my BGE


Since this last week was warm in Wisconsin, not always a given I did more grilling on my Big Green Egg.  As I've mentioned before I love this grill.  This time I grilled up a whole bunch of vegetables from my garden.   I usually marinate them in olive oil, lemon juice, fresh herbs and salt and pepper.  I grill for about 10 minutes or so. When they are done I put them back in the marinade, they taste great at any temperature. 

As for the fish I was able to get some Ahi tuna from our local store.  Just a few minutes per side does the trick.  As for the sauce....
a combination of Hellman's mayo, fresh grated ginger, minced garlic, and fresh lemon juice.  

I rounded out the meal with brown rice and of course glass of chardonnay.  My favorite house wine of the moment is the Bota Box Chardonnay.  It comes in many sizes and yes it is from a box.  But don't let that stop you from trying the wine.  I always think wine is a great addition to any dinner.

Bon Appétit!

Monday, September 14, 2015


Pizza, or should I say a great way to use up the odds and ends in your fridge.  My family loves pizza, it is something I can tailor to every body's liking.  I my dough makes enough for 2 large pizzas about 14" in diameter.  This way I can make a quarter of veggie for me, a quarter of cheese for one child and the rest meat for the 3 others in my family.  I've listed some of the ingredients below for the pizza we had the other night. They can always change.  Sometimes we have a few pieces of different meats to use up, a few veggies that need to be used, either raw or cooked, various types of cheese that need to be used.  As I mentioned your imagination is the limit.  
As for the crust go ahead and buy a pre-made crust or try one of the 2 recipes I use.

This one I found in a Martha Stewart book.  It works really well except you have to plan on making the dough an hour or so ahead of time.

1 ¼ cups luke warm water.
2 ¼ tsp yeast
1 ½ tsp salt
1 Tbsp olive oil
1 cup whole wheat flour
2 cups all-purpose white flour

Mix yeast and water in mixer.  Add salt and olive oil and mix.  Add flours, one cup at a time.  Mix until dough comes together. Kneed until dough pulls away clean from sides of bowl.  

Put dough in a greased bowl and let rest for 1 hour.

Divide into 4 individual pizzas or 2 large.  ½  of bread dough can also be frozen if just making for 2 people.

The other recipe I use is from  Bread in 5 min a Day.  The advantage here is that you make a large loaf and can pull off as much as you need 1/2 before you are cooking the pizza.  I only had problems one time when the dough was on the old side.  It was way too sticky.  Otherwise it has been great. 

As for cooking my pizzas I've use the Big Green Egg or my oven in which I have a pizza stone.  Both cook at about 425 for 15 minutes give or take a little.

Which ever way you choose you will enjoy the meal.  

Today's pizza ingredients (sausage, a few spinach leaves, eggplant, tomatoes)
 Bon Appétit!

My pizza dough starting to rise

Monday, September 7, 2015

5 minutes to start your day!

As I've mentioned I'm also a student and teacher of yoga.  I decided to include this pose because it is one of my favorites.  Legs up the wall or viparita karani is a great pose.  There are many health benefits some of which include:

  • reducing swollen ankles
  • digestive help
  • lengthening of the hamstrings
  • restoring tired feet or legs
  • reducing minor insomnia
I love to start my day with this pose, or include it somewhere in my day for 4-5 minutes.  You really don't need anything special for it, just a wall or as you can see in the picture a flat surface.  I've included the picture on the right because sometimes our hamstrings are too tight to keep your butt on the floor and your heels against the wall.  Try not to lock your knees and your feet can be slightly flexed.  As I mentioned above this pose can be helpful with insomnia.  If I'm having trouble sleeping I go to my flat space in my darkened room and lie with my legs up the wall.  

What to do when your in this pose? Nothing my friends, just breathe. If you've set a timer you don't need to pay attention to the time.  Perhaps your mind will wander to all that you "should" do, but just bring your focus back to your inhales and exhales and enjoy some peace for a few minutes.  If 4-5 minutes seems to long to do "nothing" start small; you'll be amazed at the difference a few meditative minutes over time can make.  

Enjoy this fresh and calm start to your day!     Beth